Who we are

The BAEA exists to raise the professional profile of educational audiologists and to provide a forum for communication between professionals.

What is an Educational Audiologist?

An Educational Audiologist (Ed Aud) usually is an experienced Qualified Teacher of Deaf Children and Young People (QToD) or qualified Clinical Audiologist before they commence with the MSc/PG Diploma for Educational Audiology. An Educational Audiologist brings a combination of knowledge, skills, and experience that are unique within the field of deaf education (e.g., language development, speech discrimination, auditory processing skills development, speech and room acoustics, assistive listening devices (ALDs), radio aids, soundfield systems, hearing aids and auditory implants).

An Ed Aud brings an understanding of the way amplification, acoustics, ALD and speech discrimination interplay in the speech, language and communication development and access to learning for a deaf baby, child or young person that no other professional can or does. An Ed Aud understands the relationships between listening to learn in various settings, cognition and expected levels of progress. An Ed Aud has skills, knowledge and experience of working routinely across the entire age range, currently from birth to 25 years, as per the Code of Practice.

Joint 'Technology' themed BAEA conference with BATOD (British Association of Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People) on 22 March 2025, with a possible extra evening event on Friday 21st, at the Deaf Academy

Watch this space for more information

2024 BAEA joint workshop with the Scottish Sensory Centre and BATOD Scotland

For the first time, the training was offered in Scotland at the University of Edinburgh on Saturday 22nd June.

The course provided information about remote microphone systems, fitting them, checking and assessing their benefit in line with the latest national Quality Standards and Good Practice Guidance.

BAEA 2023 activity

Missed our online event and Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 6th June 2023? BAEA members can contact us for a link to the recording of the presentation by Karen Wright (Educational Audiologist), Anthony Brown (Campbells), Emma Greenland (Anderson Acoustics) and Ruth Crosby-Stewart (Educational Audiologist/Head of Sensory Support Service).

Information from Anthony Brown (Campbells) Contact email for further information about the Norsonic support@campbell-associates.co.uk

Sonitus Systems Insights:shttps://www.sonitussystems.com/insights/

STIPA audio files:https://norsonic.com/downloads/

Audio device for digital audio STIPA playback - SanDisk Clip Jam Interested to know, will we see more Smart-Cities & Smart-Buildings? Check out these real-time monitors. https://dublincityairandnoise.ie/

Information about Anderson Acoustics can be found here https://andersonacoustics.co.uk/sectors/school-acoustics-for-noisy-classrooms//

BAEA membership - Who can join?

The BAEA membership comprises mostly those Educational Audiologists working within education support services or schools for hearing-impaired children or young people. However other members come from a wide range of backgrounds and interest in paediatric audiology or hearing-impaired children and young people such as qualified Teachers of the Deaf, hospital paediatric audiologists, speech therapists, those working in auditory implant centres, and hearing aid manufacturers. Already a member of BATOD 'British Association of Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People'?
Interested in the joint BAEA/BATOD membership offer? Contact Simon Blake, BAEA Membership Officer, via simon_blake@tiscali.co.uk

Professional registration

The first ever professional registration for Educational Audiologists was announced by the British Association of Educational Audiologists (BAEA) in 2018. The voluntary registration is with UK's Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists (RCCP) who enforce high standards of practice and maintain a public database of registrants for six disciplines. Further to the June 2018 press release, final completion of the new Educational Audiology registration development process was completed in July 2019, following the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) accreditation renewal of RCCP in early 2019. In May 2021, RCCP announced it will become a subsidiary of the Academy for Health Care Science - AHCS; with transition of business functions over the next 12 months and no immediate changes for registrants.

Further information on professional registration

Contact us

Current chair: Teresa Quail teresamquail@gmail.com

Deputy chair:

The Value of the Educational Audiology Role

Recorded presentations


Link to our MESHGuides

Master's dissertations by Educational Audiologists

Posters from recent conferences

Linking up listening life
Linking up listening life: Improving Hearing Healthcare in the 21st Century


Educational Audiology Courses

Early Years training is available on the Educational Audiology Courses as embedded as part of modules listed on the BAEA training page

and also as a student-chosen focus option for each module's independent study and assignment.

BSA e-learning module

BSA have hosted an e-learning module for the sake of raising awareness amongst audiology-related professionals of the role of Educational Audiology and its value. It contributes significantly to joined-up audiology working between Health and Education which enables clinicians to more readily monitor 'real-life' functional benefit of hearing instrument (HI) fittings when patients are outside the clinic, providing more robust validation and potentially saving clinic time. In turn this empowers clinicians' holistic partnership-working in terms of opening the auditory 'doorway to the brain' with impact on language, cognitive and social development contributing to literacy and well-being.

Currently, the module is available to BSA members only. However the first power point (no audio) is provided here. Further presentations with audio and supplemental material can be found in the BSA Library/Learning Modules Preview tab of BSA Grow, which includes additional resources, or by clicking on the following links:
First powerpoint (no audio) (available to all)
Value of Educational Audiology Lecture 1

Interprofessional Education

Stand-alone postgraduate modules in Educational Audiology are available for clinicians (or ToDs) for CPD; which align well with the British Academy of Audiology's Higher Training Scheme for Paediatric Audiology. See Training tab for information.