Regional/nation group meeting/training events

Meetings are usually held on a termly basis but this will depend on many factors one of which might be the size of the group. It is not possible to belong to a local group without being a member of BAEA.

As a member of the BAEA you can attend any training hosted by a local region/nation in the UK. There are four BAEA groups.

Midland Educational Audiology Group (MEAG) meetings

Committee meeting - Thursday 27th June 1-3pm Teams

North Educational Audiology Group (NEAG) meetings


South Educational Audiology Group (SEAG) meetings

Committee meeting - 3rd July 2024 MS Teams 5-6pm

Wales Ireland North Scotland Educational Audiology Group (WINSEAG) meetings

Committee meeting - 5th June 3.30pm-5pm Zoom

Contact details

North Educational Audiology Group (NEAG) Morna Finlayson
Southern Educational Audiology Group (SEAG) Linda Felix
Midlands Educational Audiology Group (MEAG) Jane Beadman
Wales, Ireland (North & Republic) and Scotland group (WINSEAG) Joe O'Donnell

National Executive Council (NEC) meeting

The Chair of each Region/Nation group attends each BAEA NEC meeting to represent their local area.

BAEA NEC meetings

Committee meeting - Tuesday 11th June 3.45-5.15pm Zoom